Shamanic Healing Session

Each shamanic session is 90 minutes in length. Your first session will include an initial consultation, assessment and a healing session. Fee: $150.00 per session. Prices include tax. Please note: Christa only works with people who are 19 years of age or older.


During this process, we will discuss your health concerns, issues you are currently facing in life and your family history.


During the assessment process I will guide you through a process of relaxation to let go of stress and connect you to your true nature. I will then perform a Shamanic assessment journey to determine what course of action and type of Shamanic healing is appropriate for you at this time.

Shamanic Healing Session

After the assessment, I will perform a Shamanic healing session for you. Traditionally, Shamans would use a rattle to help facilitate the journey process and guide the Shaman into a Shamanic state of consciousness to access the innate realms of healing on behalf of the client. This healing session induces deep relaxation for you and creates a space for you to deeply heal on all levels of being: physically, emotionally and spiritually. As your true nature is being restored, you will feel connected, refreshed and whole.

Follow Up Sessions

Many people receive a great deal of benefit after the first session. However, follow up sessions are a necessary regime for healing. If you do need a follow up session we will determine the appropriate schedule and healing service best suited and appropriate for you.

Booking a Session

All sessions are 90 min and by appointment only. The fee is $150.00 (including tax) per session. Since our time together is sacred, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required for cancellations. Less than 24 hours notice and missed appointments will be charged the full session fee. Thank you for respecting this policy. Book Session Now.


  1. Be on time for your appointment. If you are late for the session, then it reduces the amount of time needed to do a full healing session. So, to maximize healing benefit, be on time for your appointment.

  2. Time. Allow enough time to get to the session so that you are not in a rushed or frantic state. Best to arrive to the session in a calm and relaxed manner so that you can settle into the session with a clear mind which allows you to focus on the healing you are about to receive instead of your mind racing with thoughts about work, school, family or other concerns. When in a relaxed state, the body can then go into the rest and repair modes of healing.

  3. Come with an open mind and be open to receive the healing. When you are in a receptive state and not attached to specific outcomes, you open yourself up to positive new energy to create healing shifts in wonderful ways you never thought possible.

  4. Know that every person’s experience will be different. Some people will notice a dramatic shift soon after a session. Whereas, other people may notice a series of gradual shifts over a longer period of time as the healing unfolds. How you heal is unique to you. Honour and celebrate your personal process and progress of healing and the time it takes for you to come back into balance.

  5. Wear comfortable clothes. This will help you to relax. Tight clothing can create physical tension on the body making it harder to relax and settle into the session.

  6. Consider abstaining from alcohol or recreational drugs 24 hours before your session and for a few days after the session. These substances are hard for the body to precess and can put stress on the body, mind and spirit which can slow down the healing process and affect the healing results of the session.

  7. Allow enough time for sleep and rest after your appointment. After the session, the body can enter into relaxation mode. So allowing more time for rest, and going to sleep earlier on the night of the session, can help the body to shift into a mode where deeper healing, cellular repair and rejuvenation can take place.

  8. Stay well hydrated. Drinking an adequate amount of water in the days following the session, can help to ground you and can help the body to flush out toxins - including physical, emotional and mental toxins as your vibration shifts into a brighter, more positive and vibrant state.

  9. Look at healing from a holistic perspective. Is there something out of balance in your life that you need to take action about to create a healthy change? When things are out of balance in our lives, it can create stress and make us sick. So, oftentimes, healthy changes need to be made regarding lifestyle factors, diet, exercise programs, the home environment, relationship dynamics and work habits..etc to also support the healing process. If something is out of balance in your life and causing you stress or illness, then consider making a healthy change which can have a positive affect on your overall well-being. Remember, you have the power to create positive change and restore balance and health to your life.

  10. Create a solid commitment for healing. It’s very important to be committed to working on your health and well being everyday. We often live busy lives and don’t take time for self care. Make time for your healing and take responsibility for your health to do the work it takes to heal. This can include booking healing sessions as well as follow up sessions, getting medical check ups making healthy lifestyle changes, meditation, exercise and a daily routine of self care so that you can return to a state of wellness.

  11. Book regular follow up shamanic healing sessions with Christa to optimize health. Be consistent with booking follow up sessions when they are recommended because more than one session is often needed to create long lasting healing results. When you book a series of healing sessions, then it gives you more opportunity to strengthen, come back into balance and heal which can be the key to successful healing.


Healing Results Far Beyond What I Imagined

"The session with you was amazing and the results were immediate. I felt less judgemental and was able to let go of negativity and now I am not criticizing myself anymore. My self doubt has also vanished. I now have a clear vision about my life direction. I have been sleeping soundly and I wake up happy and refreshed. I am looking forward to what this profound change brings in the weeks to come. I had no expectations before seeing you, but the results were far beyond what I imagined. Thank you so much for what you've done for me - I am quite transformed!" -Shamanic Client Vancouver BC

A Transformative Session

"I am feeling blissful from our session. The session was life changing for me. I have my life back and I feel like myself again. I feel stronger, vibrant and cheerful. The depression I had been feeling is totally gone after the session. My shamanic session with you was profound and I will remember this experience for time to come. I cannot thank you enough!" -Shamanic Client -Vancouver BC